李艾筱 LI Aixiao

I. Photography "Personal Belongings"


    Chickens: "I love my cutest chickens so much! Every time I'm with them, I’m so happy."


    Camera: "I'm a documentary photographer in Turkey, traveling in Vienna. I always try to use my camera to help people in my 40 years of career."

  • UP IN THE AIR, 2018

    Hu la hoop: "It's the sign of circle, has no beginning and no end. It's like infinity, gives me a lot of freedom to express."

  • A FREE DANCE, 2018
    Water bottle: "Actually, It's the only one that I need. I love to dance very much. after dancing, I was sweating and thirsty. I need my water bottle."

    T-shirt: "This T-shirt is my favorite artist's work. I love her because that feministic and there's a woman with a wonderful body. This is an idea I’m comfortable with."


    Transparent acrylic oil painting: "It's a temporary farewell to my artistic career. It's not my best painting, but the only one I cherish."

    Bicycle: "This bicycle has been with me for twenty-one and a half years. It was a graduation present from university. It followed me to a lot of places, moving from one country to another."

  • FEELING GOOD TO Become A WOMAN, 2018

    Passport: "Every passport I had has been with my old name and old gender. This is the first passport I got with my new female name. For me, it was a long journey.  "

  • TEDDY SHEEP, 2018

    Teddy Sheep: "The teddy sheep is probably 23 years old. I named her after my grandmother. It's called Mariana. She is always here, no matter where I was, no matter how I felt, no matter how big I am."


    Glasses(man) and Lunch Box(woman): “We always travel together, we can’t bring everything with us and sometimes we have to choice what to bring. These small objects can make us feel like that we are at home.”

II. Single Channel Video "A Day"

III. Polaroid Photo "Exchanging" 

I spent a month in Vienna. I like this city, so I want to create a better understanding of the city and its people of this city. The creation is divided into three parts: 

I. Photography "Personal Belongings" 

Based on my educational background in Journalism and Applied Psychology, I applied interview and psychology to the creation of the project Personal Belongings, doing it in China for five years: Be naked and let your precaution down. A story about a part of life. An important personal belonging. But their faces were not recorded. I think faces distract the viewer from the important elements of the photograph, the current scene, and the stories in it.

It was different from shooting in China, where I took pictures in a monochrome background, but in Vienna I let people choose a place that could connect with the object. For me, the new environment inspired me, and the change gave me a different shooting experience.

II. Single Channel Video "A Day"

It's a one-shot, fast-forward video recording of four Viennese on a typical day.  I stayed with each of them from morning to evening, and I followed them to do the same things, eat, work, go to school, socialize, and so on. I spent the day getting close to them and getting involved in their lives from the view of a stranger.

All four of them told me from the start, "My day is boring," and I took a fast-forward approach that broke the ice, described their ordinary but unusual day humorously: accidentally picking up 13 cameras on the street, taking part in gay parades happily, signing and stamping a coveted work visa, and taking part in the last seminar of the university.

III. Polaroid Photo "Exchanging" 

This set of photographs records the story of a straw hat I brought from Chengdu, which turned into a wooden lizard after 13 strangers. I exchanged objects with the Viennese, passed objects on to the next stranger, and then took a picture of them who hold the last person's belonging, in this way to make a relationship between strangers.

The creation of the above three parts enabled me to quickly integrate into the local people's life through objects as a link, to experience as much as possible the local people's life, and to be accepted quickly. They all discuss relationships: people and things, things and things, people and people.

Related Work

  • Personal Belongings in Vienna 

    Vienna, Austria, 2018

    View in exhibitions

  • Personal Belongings in Vienna 

    Vienna, Austria, 2018

    View in exhibitions

  • Personal Belongings in Vienna 

    Vienna, Austria, 2018

    View in exhibitions

  • Annual Exhibition of SAYA Embrace Project

    Blue Roof Museum, Chengdu, China, 2019

    View in exhibitions

  • Annual Exhibition of SAYA Embrace Project

    Blue Roof Museum, Chengdu, China, 2019

    View in exhibitions

  • Annual Exhibition of SAYA Embrace Project

    Blue Roof Museum, Chengdu, China, 2019

    View in exhibitions

  • Annual Exhibition of SAYA Embrace Project

    Blue Roof Museum, Chengdu, China, 2019

版权所有© 李艾筱 LI Aixiao    技术支持: 竹子建站


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